The Chimney Sweep - Vale of Glamorgan charges £50.00 for a general sweep of the flue.
Removing any blockages (fallen bricks, birds nests etc) may cost a little more.
Evening or weekend visits can be arranged but cost a little extra.
Between an hour and an hour and a half (providing there are no nasty surprises)
A professional chimney sweep will have a surprising amount of equipment to bring in and out of your home as well as taking the time to ensure any openings are secured to avoid soot escaping.
Additionally, stoves may need bricks and baffle plates removed in preparation for sweeping.
If a camera inspection is required then it can take longer
You should have your chimney cleaned at least once a year.
If you use your fireplace regularly year- round then you should have it cleaned more often.
Heavy use of a wood burning fireplace will cause soot and creosote to build up quickly.
Yes. If you are burning wood we recommend having your chimney swept twice a year.
This can be reduced to once a year if you use multi-fuel in your stove.
There are a number of tells:
If you don't have your chimney swept regularly then soot can accumulate around the flue causing an inability to draw the smoke upwards. The smoke will then be directed into your room which can stain the walls, carpeting and furniture and leave a smell. It will also increase the chances of debris accumulating and create a potential fire hazard, or dangerous carbon monoxide emissions.
Absolutely. In fact it is often a requirement of the manufacturers warranty to make sure the flue is cleaned regularly. The Chimney Sweep - Vale of Glamorgan will issue a certificate after each sweep, as well as using the appropriate brush or 'whip' to sweep the liner clean.
Your fireplace needs to be cool to the touch for the sweep to do his work. We suggest you avoid lighting the fire for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.
A professional sweep will ensure a clean job so there is no need to drape your furniture with dust sheets.
You can, however the Chimney Sweep - Vale of Glamorgan has been specifically trained, uses the latest technology and equipment and employs Rotary Power sweeping to ensure a thorough job. and maintain the safety of you and your family from the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and chimney fires. We recommend using a professional.
Gas fireplaces do not produce creosote; but they still need annual cleaning. A sweep will help remove items such as bird's nests, animals and any debris that may have gotten trapped as well as any soot. A sweep will often suffice as an annual inspection.
Today, a chimney sweep remains a symbol of good luck, wealth and happiness. It's a safer home you have when you have used the services of The Chimney Sweep,.
So remember to shake his or her hand for luck when you meet a chimney sweep.
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